2024 Route 68 Bank Coming Soon!

2018 2500 - 2021 AMR Pack

  • Detailed Interior And Exterior
  • Chrome And Plastic Bumpers
  • 360 Degree Lighting
  • Lighting Template
  • Optimized With Proper LODs
  • Proper Medical Equipment
  • Custom Wheels Included
  • Moveable Spotlight
  • Toggleable Interior and Exterior Equipment
  • Working Gauges, Mirrors, and Breakable Glass
  • Extra 1 - Lightbar
  • Extra 2 - Front Dash Light
  • Extra 3 - Rambar
  • Extra 4 - Misc. Equipment
  • Extra 5 - Misc. Equipment
  • Extra 6 - Misc. Equipment
  • Extra 7 - Spotlight Down
  • Extra 8 - Spotlight Up
  • Extra 9 - Mirror Light
  • Extra 10 - Mirror Light

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On The Fence?

We understand that buying products is a big decision, especially without kicking the tires first. Because we believe in looking before buying, you can take a look at our products in our test server.
